Mental Trainer
Mental Strength
The race of Floria Guei is a real demonstration of mental strength.
In sport psychology this performance can be considered as a model.
European Championship 2014
4x 400m WOMEN
![4x 400m W European Championship 2014](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/577f2e_32a8728f4048434da7cc6ab378806789f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_694,h_390,enc_auto/file.jpeg 1x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/577f2e_32a8728f4048434da7cc6ab378806789f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_1388,h_781,enc_auto/file.jpeg 2x, https://static.wixstatic.com/media/577f2e_32a8728f4048434da7cc6ab378806789f002.jpg/v1/fill/w_2082,h_1171,enc_auto/file.jpeg 3x)
Later on the race, Floria Guei has been interviewed by TEVA, and aufeminin.com. She had said:
"I tried to stay focused, and especially not to panic,
I applied my race routines, [...] and I gave everything.
We must believe until the end.
Sport is a real plus, whatever the level, it's just the fact of wanting to excel, to go beyond our limits and not to stay on a failure, to know how to rebound.
Sport is really a plus for the mind."
Floria Guei's race was perfectly performed especially on the mental side because she:
- maintain her focus (concentration)
- avoid anxiety (emotional control)
- was fully engaged (commitment)
- didn't doubt at any moment(self-confidence)
Furthermore, she considers her sport as an opportunity to go beyond herself (transcendence).
And learn from her mistakes to get better (experience).
If we look at her body language, it will speak for herself:
She is running with a straight posture, looking far and pushing hard on her legs.
These signs show her entire dedication. She is fully HERE & NOW
It is known that the mind affects the body but the body affects the mind also.
Adjusting voluntarily the posture, have an impact on the mind.
For example, a way to enhance motivation and self-confidence:
In front of a mirror, stand straight, shoulders relaxed, give to yourself a non-judgment look, smile gently to yourself.
You can think about a positive past experience in relation with the upcoming task and say out loud:
"I will do it, because I know that I can do it".